Christians agree that the public school system has rejected God and is now a source for human naturalism, just ask why creation is no longer taught at your local high school or middle school. Yet, we insist on fighting a fight that seems to be hinging on the incredulous.
“Some of us think that all cannot be too bad.” “Such a thing might be happening, but it is not happening at our schools.” “My spouse though works as the school.” “My pastor is on the school board.” Though I comprehend these thoughts, these statements are missing the bigger picture. The problem of government schools is to big for the band-aid response from the Christian community. The sad reality is that many brothers and sisters in Christ have not thought through this biblically or theologically prior to sending their children to the government run school system. The quick response when question is that hey it was okay for me so it should be okay for them.
Christians who still doubt the evil agendas of the government (public) schools need to take heed of the insights of Christian organizations: American Family Association (AFA), Liberty Counsel, Concerned Women for America (CWA), and others.
AFA has done a documentary entitled, Speechless: Silencing the Christians. One segment tells the story of a mostly conservative, tight-knit community in Kentucky whose schools have not escaped the reach of the homosexual lobby. Regarding a video that promoted homosexual lifestyle, “Students were told that they could not make any comments that disagreed with this idea, and they were not allowed to object on religious
grounds…. There was also no provision for parents to opt their children out of the program.” A mother responds to the school in the film, “You’re telling me that my child is no longer mine as long as he’s on school property? And they [school officials] said, ‘That is correct.’”[1]
grounds…. There was also no provision for parents to opt their children out of the program.” A mother responds to the school in the film, “You’re telling me that my child is no longer mine as long as he’s on school property? And they [school officials] said, ‘That is correct.’”[1]
Now some of us may quickly think that this is will never happen in our schools. The NEA (National Education Association), the largest teacher’s union, would disagree. Matt Barber, director of
Cultural Affairs for Liberty Counsel, explains, “The National Education Association is on board a hundred percent with the homosexual lobby’s wish list – with their goals – so they have an ‘in’ to our system of public
education. Groups like GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, they provide the curriculum that is being taught in our Sex Ed classes throughout schools – and civic classes and elsewhere – they provide the curriculum.”[2]
Cultural Affairs for Liberty Counsel, explains, “The National Education Association is on board a hundred percent with the homosexual lobby’s wish list – with their goals – so they have an ‘in’ to our system of public
education. Groups like GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, they provide the curriculum that is being taught in our Sex Ed classes throughout schools – and civic classes and elsewhere – they provide the curriculum.”[2]
Concerned Women for America doing their research remarks, “I’ve warned about this before, but now the evidence is beyond dispute: there is an evil scheme aimed at destroying our children. The attack comes on many fronts…These reports confirm my worse fears about this scheme. Radical homosexual activists have long said, “Whoever controls the schools controls the future.” If they can convince the next generation
that homosexuality is “just another lifestyle,” there will be no stopping them.”[3]
that homosexuality is “just another lifestyle,” there will be no stopping them.”[3]
One may start to be wondering, where are you going with this? Sadly, I am out of room for this post. My next post will look at what some Christian leaders state regarding public schools and hopefully encourage fellow parents to engage Biblically and come to a theological solution for their children.
[1] Speechless: Silencing the Christians, produced by AFA; hosted and narrated by Janet Parshall. The film may be viewed at
[2] Ibid.
[3] “Jesse’s Dream Skirt, New Tactics Revealed to Lure Our Children,” 2005 Newsletter #451, Jesse’s Dream Skirt Ver. B1, Concerned Women for America, August 8, 2005.
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